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    SoundCheck Core and Advanced Training Events in Copenhagen

    (For message in English click here) Teaching in one of the world's best and perhaps most intuitive systems for audio testing - SoundCheck - is back in Denmark. SoundCheck Core Training offers testing of speakers, microphones, headphones and other audio devices. We start from the fundamentals of building the...


    SoundCam Ultra3 – now with thermography

    Det akustiske kamera, SoundCam Ultra3, som er optimeret til søgning i ultralydsområdet, tilbyder nu også indbygget termografi. SoundCam Ultra - og nu den nye generation, Ultra 3 har længe været en frontløber på teknologien indenfor blandt andet akustisk lækagesøgning, hvor det indeholder et "intelligent" modul, der...


    Online seminar "Production testing of audio products" 17 September 2024 15.00 HELD

    SoundCheck er førende indenfor audiotest på produktionslinjer, med et fleksibelt system og en sofistikeret række af algoritmer til audiotest, og tilbyder præcis måling, korte testtider, fremragende støjimmunitet og pålidelighed i verdensklasse. I dette gratis 1-times seminar vil Steve Temme og Mark Latshaw dele værdifulde tips og...


    SoundCheck Core & Advanced Training Events in Copenhagen – AFHOLDT

    (Message in English below) Teaching one of the world's best and perhaps most intuitive systems for audiotest is finally back in Denmark. SoundCheck Core Training offers testing of speakers, headphones and other audio devices. We start from the cornerstones of building an audio test system based on SoundCheck, and...


    Online seminar "Remote control of SoundCheck for high-volume production testing" HELD

    SoundCheck is a leader in audio testing on production lines, with a sophisticated suite of audio testing algorithms, offering precise measurement, short test times, excellent noise immunity and world-class reliability. Many of the factories producing audio products are moving towards large, highly customized, integrated test configurations to evaluate deviations not only...


    The Evolution of Production Line Rub & Buzz Measurements – SoundCheck

    Rub & Buzz defects in loudspeakers, headphone drivers, and microspeakers generate an immediate perception of poor quality. This article follows the development of production line Rub & Buzz detection, starting with the conventional methods that, although developed 25 years ago, are still valuable and well-used...


    SoundCheck 20 Release

    We are pleased to announce that SoundCheck 20 has been released. Read more here about the new features...
