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    Cookie and Privacy Policy

    We take your data protection seriously. We process personal data and have therefore adopted this privacy policy, which tells you how we process your data.

    Vibrakustik is the data controller for the information we collect about you and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the law.

    If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of personal data, you can do so


    Personal data is all kinds of information that can be attributed to you to some extent.

    As a customer with us, we collect the following personal information about you: Name, company, telephone number and email address.

    As a supplier and partner with us, we collect the following personal information about you: Name, company, telephone number and email address.

    When you use our website, we collect and process a number of information. This happens, for example, by ordinary access to content, if you sign up for our newsletter, participate in competitions or surveys, register as a user or subscriber.

    We typically collect and process the following types of information: A unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP number, geographical location, and which pages you click on (interests). To the extent that you explicitly consent to this and enter the information yourself, we also process: Name, telephone number, e-mail, address and payment information. This will typically be in connection with the creation of a login or when purchasing.

    Privacy policy in relation to recruitment:

    Upon receipt of the application and supporting documents, the submitted material will be reviewed by the relevant person for the purpose of answering and assessing the content in relation to a defined job.

    Applications and attachments are shared internally with relevant persons in the recruitment process and are not disclosed to others outside the company.

    Application and supporting documents are stored until the right candidate is found and the recruitment process is completed. After this, the application and supporting documents will be deleted.

    In case of unsolicited applications, the application and supporting documents are stored for a maximum of 12 months, after which it is deleted.

    If the application and supporting documents are stored for more than 12 months, separate consent is obtained from the candidate.

    We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures against your information being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, impaired or come to the knowledge of unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in violation of the law.


    • Processing your purchase and delivery of our service
    • Managing your relationship with us


    • Processing of our purchases/services
    • Managing your relationship with us

    Information collected on the website (used to identify you as a user and show you the ads that are most likely to be relevant to you, to record your purchases and payments, and to provide the services you have requested, such as sending a newsletter.) In addition, we use the information to optimize our services and content.


    • Processing your purchase and delivery of our service
    • Fulfilling your request for products or services
    • Improving our products and services
    • Adapting our communications and marketing to you
    • Adapting business partners' communication and marketing to you
    • Managing your relationship with us
    • Compliance with legal requirements


    We collect, process and store only the personal data that is necessary to fulfill our stated purposes. In addition, it may be determined by law what type of data is necessary to collect and store for our business operations. The type and scope of the personal data we process may also be determined by the need to fulfil a contract or other legal obligation.


    As our service depends on your data being correct and up to date, we ask you to inform us of any relevant changes to your data. You can use the contact information above to notify us of your changes and we will make sure to update your personal data. If we ourselves become aware that data is incorrect, we will update the information and notify you accordingly.


    The information is stored for the period permitted by law, and we delete it when it is no longer needed. The period depends on the nature of the information and the background for storage. It is therefore not possible to specify a general timeframe for when information is deleted.


    Your consent to receive the newsletter is voluntary and you can withdraw it at any time by contacting us. Use the contact information above for more information.


    We use a number of third parties to store and process data, including suppliers of IT solutions. These only process information on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes. In relevant cases, data shall be transmitted.

    Disclosure of personal information such as name and e-mail, etc. for other purposes will only take place if you consent to it.

    We only use data processors in the EU or in countries that can provide your information with adequate protection.

    Data about your use of the website, which ads you receive and possibly click on, your geographical location, gender and age segment, etc. are disclosed to third parties to the extent that this information is known. You can see which third parties are involved in the section on "Use of cookies" below. The information is used for targeting advertising.


    When you visit our website, information about you is collected, which is used to customize and improve our content and to increase the value of the ads displayed on the page. If you do not want information to be collected, you should delete your cookies and refrain from further use of the website. Below we have elaborated on what information is collected, its purpose and which third parties have access to it.

    Cookies are stored on your computer, mobile or similar for the purpose of recognizing it, remembering settings, performing statistics and targeting ads. Cookies cannot contain malicious code such as viruses.

    If you delete or block cookies, content may become less relevant to you. You may also risk that the website does not function optimally and that there is content that you cannot access.

    What is a cookie?
    A cookie is a small text file that we store on your computer in order to keep track of what happens during your visit and to be able to recognize the computer. A cookie contains only text, is not a program and does not contain viruses.

    How to reject or delete your cookies
    You can always reject cookies on your computer by changing the settings in your Internet browser. Where you find the settings depends on which browser you are using. However, you should be aware that if you do, there are many functions and services that you cannot use, because these functions and services require that the website can remember the choices you make.

    Cookies that you have previously accepted can subsequently be easily deleted. If you use a PC / computer with a newer Internet browser, you can delete your cookies by using the shortcut keys:

    CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. If the shortcut keys do not work and/or you are using a MAC, start by finding out which browser you are using and then click on the appropriate link:

    Microsoft Internet Explorer
    Google Chrome

    Remember: If you use multiple Internet browsers, you must delete cookies in all of them.


    You have the right at any time to know what data we process about you, where it comes from and what we use it for. You can also be informed how long we store your personal data and who receives data about you, to the extent that we disclose data in Denmark and abroad.

    If you request it, we can inform you about the data we process about you. However, access may be restricted for reasons of other people's privacy, trade secrets and intellectual property rights.

    You can exercise your rights by contacting us. Our contact information can be found at the top.

    If you believe that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected. You must contact us and tell us what the inaccuracies are and how they can be corrected.

    In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This applies, for example, if you withdraw any consent given. If you believe that your data is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which we collected it, you can ask to have it deleted. You can also contact us if you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of the law or other legal obligations.

    Here also have the opportunity to file a complaint withThe Danish Data Protection Agency.

    When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we will investigate whether the conditions are met and, if so, make changes or deletions as soon as possible.

    You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. You can also object to our disclosure of your data for marketing purposes. You can use the contact information at the top to submit an objection. If your objection is justified, we will make sure to stop processing your personal data.

    You have the opportunity to make use of data portability in case you want your information moved to another data controller or data processor.

    We delete your personal data of our own motion when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

    This website is owned by Vibrakustik ApS, cvr. DK38476394, Søndre Alle 34, 3700 Rønne, Denmark, Phone: +45 60 63 12 10